The Fluid Applied Roofing System spray-on commercial roof coating is perfect for metal roofs, offering lasting protection through its strong durability and energy-saving properties. Plus, you can rest assured that with its easy installation process, you won’t break your budget in the long run. And if you’re in Madison, WI, Greater Area, Swita Metal Roofing is the expert in providing these services.
Advantages of Spray-On Roof Coatings
When it comes to roof coatings, there are many advantages to using commercial spray-on roof coatings. The first benefit is its longevity. Spray-On Roof coatings provide better insulation from harsh weather conditions like hail or heavy winds from extreme heat and humidity.
The Application Process
The application process for a fluid applied system is fairly straightforward: the professional team at Swita Metal Roofing will inspect the condition of your existing metal roof before beginning work. Then we will apply multiple coats of waterproof material, including rubberized asphalt or elastomeric latex — depending on your needs.
During each coat’s installation phase, we will analyze it against any weaknesses or damages in order to identify any additional areas that need repair or reinforcement before moving on to the next stage of covering the entire surface area with a single layer of high-quality material for maximum protection.
Choose Swita Metal Roofing
Swita Metal Roofing’s experienced professionals know just how to correctly apply each coat to ensure maximum efficiency and coverage on your metal roof — something you may not get when attempting this job yourself alone! With our 10+ years of experience installing and maintaining these systems across the Madison, WI Greater Area, we can offer competitive rates while still delivering top-quality service every time.
If you need reliable roof coating services that stay within your budget, then consider turning to Swita Metal Roofing for help with applying a Fluid Applied Roofing System on your metal roof!
Our expertise in this area makes them ideal partners for providing top-notch service at affordable prices – so don’t hesitate to request a free consultation today!